Friday, March 30, 2012

A Quick Family Gathering

My parents and 2 youngest sisters popped in for a brief visit while traveling to Boston for a vacation. Getting to see family was a special treat made even sweeter, by my sister Brianna bringing over my adorable nephew and chocolate pie from Shari's. Our short visit was filled with laughs, hugs and of course pizza. Here are some pictures of how we spent the evening.

Julianna showing everyone how big she's gotten with her practice crawling.

My little girl is happy to see her aunt Alexis.

Julianna sitting on her aunt Natalie's lap.

Visiting with Nana at Vancouver Pizza.

Grandpa is happy that he gets to hold both of his grandchildren.

Nana and Grandpa cuddling with the little cuties.

I decided to surprise everyone with homemade peanut butter cookies.


  1. Hi Jessica! Thanks for commenting on my blog - it was so awesome to see you there! :) We were talking about you just the other day...wondering how you and Julianna were doing. It is so fun to see the pictures of her!

  2. I love reading your blog and hearing how your family is doing. You guys are greatly missed! It's neat how blogs help people stay connected!
