Monday, March 26, 2012

This Week's Challenge

Long conversations with the king of kings used to be one of my daily morning rituals. I spoke of my dreams, asked for help with my weaknesses and requested that the Lord would bless those around me. I even kept a prayer journal with written requests of trials family members and friends wished to be delivered from. Every day I would faithfully lift up the requests to God believing they would be answered. If God created the universe, why wouldn't I trust that he could heal someone, intervene in the finances or solve everyday problems?

By accessing the heavens, God's blessings poured out into the lives of my family members and friends. A family facing financial difficulties saw new doors open to them in the area of employment. Physical healings manifested for those facing illnesses. I even saw answers to prayer concerning trivial everyday matters in my own life.

While I'd like to say that I remained faithful with this practice, daily conversations with God took the back burner. I still talk to God, but usually it's at the end of the day when I'm exhausted and they tend to be briefer. I used the busy season of being a new mommy as an excuse when in fact it was a choice. I manage to spend 30 minutes on facebook everyday catching up with family and friends but not my savior.

Tonight the Holy Spirit led me to 2 different Bible passages. Both verses informed me about how seriously God values our time and our first fruits. "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed" (Mark 1:35 NIV). "In the morning, O Lord you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" (Psalm 5:3 NIV). It became very obvious that prayer in the morning is what the creator desires, not simply someone spending all of their energy serving others throughout the day. By seeking God first I am inviting the Lord to take over my thought processes, priorities and intervene in any challenges each new day presents.

The Lord also brought it to my attention that it is still POSSIBLE to have an active walk with him during a season of busyness. I looked back to my college days and how I still maintained an active walk with the Lord. I managed to take on a full course load at the college, (one of the classes being an accelerated history class), work the evening shift at a nearby restaurant Monday-Friday, plan a wedding and spend at least 30 minutes praying each day. My days started at 5:30 am and often didn't end until 1:00 am. Yet I still managed to have the energy and help from the Lord to maintain a demanding schedule.

Here I am at another stage in my life enjoying the full-time job of motherhood. My husband and I are moving into a new house, I'm helping my mother recover from surgery and to top it off my dryer just broke. With everything going on in my life, I simply can't afford not to invite the Lord into my circumstances 1st thing in the morning.

So for this week I will pick up my Bible and go before the throne of God with my prayers and petitions after I wake up. Why not put myself in the position to activate the angels?

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