Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Beauty According to the Bible's Standards

I felt good putting on my medium size Gap sweater and size 10 pre-pregnancy jeans before heading out to run an errand. Much to my surprise the jeans were actually lose fitting, indicating that I shrunk down to a smaller size after having a baby. While inside the store another shopper found herself drawn to my 6 month old daughter's charming behavior. I gladly welcomed the comments on how cute Julianna is, but my jaw dropped when she asked when my next baby was due. After I explained that I wasn't expecting a baby she remarked that I must still be carrying around baby fat. I was upset to see how this woman made false assumptions, and even more angered by our culture's beauty standards.

I thought about what my life would be like if I fit into a size 6, only to realize how miserable I would be. A small size would mean counting every calorie, never being able to splurge on desserts and still feeling hungry after each meal. It also occurred to me that being a size 10 isn't an indicator that you've neglected your body. I don't make purchases from the junk food aisle on a regular basis. I avoid processed foods, load up on fresh veggies for snacks and go for walks on a daily basis. Sure I enjoy an occasional pilgrimage to the golden arch but it's only as a monthly treat.

Tonight the Holy Spirit reminded me that I am no longer a slave to our culture's unrealistic expectations."It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery" (Gal 5:1 NIV). I'm free from comparing myself to the models in women's magazines. Free from carrying around an obsession about being thin. Free to be content as the medium sized princess God created me to be.

As I clothe myself in Holiness, it's important to see what a princess is supposed to look like. According to the king of kings my outward appearance must show fruits of the spirit. Love, joy, patience, faith and gentleness are only some of the traits others must see in me. Before I put on my make-up each morning, I must also remember to give myself a spiritual makeover. The Bible is here to show me how to wear the fruits of the spirit while untangling my own sinful nature. Only then will I experience true freedom in Christ.

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