Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just for Fun

I stole this questionnaire from a blogging buddy. This should be a fun way for us to get to know each-other better. If you want to participate, feel free to join in the game.

1. What color are your socks right now?
I'm not wearing any socks. It would look goofy with my ballet flats.
2. What are you listening to right now?
More Like Falling In Love by Jason Gray. It's a beautiful song about loving the savior.

3. What was the last thing you ate?
  a bean burrito I made for lunch.

4. Can you drive a stick shift?
  No, and in my case it truly is a lost cause.

5. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Someone calling to sell me something.

6. How old are you today?
  31 years young.

7. What is your favorite sport to watch?
I'm not a huge sports fan but I do love gymnastics.

8. What is your favorite drink?
  Starbucks white chocolate and peppermint mochas.

9. Have you ever dyed your hair?
  yes but I don't like messing with touch ups so it's my natural auburn color.

10. What is your favorite food?
Anything Mexican or Italian. I'm also a huge fan of french onion soup.

11. Do you sing in the shower?
12. Favorite day of the year?

13. What is one place you want to visit?
California, Mississippi, North Carolina, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Tennessee, New York, Maine or Connecticut. It's where my family and close friends live.

14. What was your favorite toy as a child?
It's a tie between my turtle tot and my American Girl doll Molly.

15. What is your favorite season?
Summer, because I love the sunshine and warm weather. It's when families make fun plans for vacation, the time the county fair opens and when smells of BBQ cookouts linger in neighborhoods everywhere in America.


  1. So fun to read your answers and learn some fun tidbits about you! :-)

  2. And I enjoyed reading both your answers and Sarah's answers. I think it's interesting that we all loved playing with American Girl dolls!
