Julianna, my mother and I chose to wear patriotic colors to show pride for the USA. Jesse claims his outfit is patriotic since green and black are used for BDUs.
I live for bargains and couldn't resist taking advantage of Macy's holiday sale. Now Julianna has a Christening gown for her baby dedication. My mother went with me to pick out some items for the home.
Jesse, Julianna and I had a late lunch at my parent's house. My mother decorated the table with fun summer colors.
Lunch included delicious grilled veggies along with gorgonzola cheese burgers, corn on the cobb and ice-cream for dessert.
Jesse and I accepted an invitation to a neighborhood block party. Our neighbors supplied hot dogs, chips and salsa, veggies, soda and fireworks. I decided to make deviled eggs to share with everyone. I prepared both traditional style deviled eggs and the Paula Dean inspired southwestern version.
Every fourth of July leaves me with much to be thankful for, but this year the holiday left me with extra gratitude. The neighbors hosting the party immigrated from Russia and some of the guests are originally from Ukraine. The family hosting the cookout suggested that we think about why we're thankful to live in America. Once the Russian family spoke about being able to make trips to the supermarket without worrying about their personal safety, I felt humbled. It also amazed me to hear how grateful they are for our medical care. Maybe to some the 4th of July is an opportunity to miss work, have a barbecue and watch fireworks. To others it stands for a better life where their children have more opportunities. As for myself, I know I'll start a new tradition with our family. Each year I'll ask my daughter to think about what it means to live in America and why she should be thankful.And while I raise my daughter to have pride for our country, I'll also encourage her to form friendships with those living in our multicultural neighborhood.
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